Discovering the Treasure Trove of Long Tail Keywords with Low SEO Difficulty

Find Long Tail Keywords With Low SEO Difficulty

Long tail keywords are search phrases that are much longer than the typical 1-2 word phrases used for SEO. These longer phrases are often more specific, and have a lower search volume overall. They usually have lower competition, which means they are easier to rank for in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Long tail keywords are more targeted, which means they can bring in more qualified traffic to a website. They also have less competition, which makes it easier to rank for them. Since long tail keywords typically have lower search volume, they're also great for testing out different types of content ideas.

Long tail keywords have been around since the early days of search engine optimization (SEO). However, the practice of using them to target specific keywords only gained traction in the early 2000s with the advent of Google Adwords. SEO practitioners quickly realized that targeting long tail keywords could often yield higher conversion rates than generic terms, due to the increased relevance of the search phrase.

In 2006, Google released its Adwords Keyword Tool, which made it easy to view search volume and competition data for any keyword. This allowed SEO practitioners to more accurately target the best long tail keywords for driving traffic and conversions. In 2009, Google released another tool called Insights for Search, which allowed users to view the popularity of particular search terms over time.

More recently, the practice of using long tail keywords has become even more popular as online competition has increased. Many SEO practitioners now use sophisticated tools to identify the most relevant long tail keywords for their campaigns. These tools often take into account various metrics such as search volume, competition, and keyword intent to provide more accurate results.

One potential pitfall when using long tail keywords is that they can often have lower search volume. Consequently, it can be hard to generate enough traffic from these keywords to make a significant impact on a website's organic search traffic. It's important to remember that any keyword strategy should take into account both short and long tail keywords.

Long tail keywords are an important part of any keyword strategy. They can help generate valuable, targeted traffic to a website and can even have higher conversion rates than generic keywords. However, it's important to remember that long tail keywords often have lower search volume and can be harder to rank for in the SERPs. As such, they should be used in conjunction with short tail keywords to maximize the potential of any SEO campaign.

Long tail keywords are an important part of a comprehensive SEO strategy. They can help target more specific, relevant search queries, which can result in higher conversion rates and more qualified traffic to a website. However, it's important to be aware of their potential pitfalls and to use them in conjunction with short tail keywords in order to maximize the potential of an SEO campaign.